Office of Student 可访问性 服务
(formerly the Special Populations Office)


Central Carolina Community College (推荐正规买球平台) serves as a catalyst for individual, 社区, 和 economic development by empowerment through accessible lifelong learning. 我们致力于通过支持和帮助学生实现他们的教育目标来学习. 学生无障碍服务办公室与其他部门合作,以确保所有学生都能获得教育和服务.

学生无障碍服务致力于为符合美国残疾人法案及其修正案以及1973年康复法案第504条的服务资格的学生建立教育设施. The coordinator meets with the student to review their needs 和, when deemed reasonable, 根据学生的要求,创建与教职员工共享的住宿计划.

Obtaining Accommodations

Note: Some accommodations take longer than others. Please make your request in writing at least 3 weeks in advance.

  • 完成中央卡罗来纳社区学院招生办公室的入学申请.
  • 学生必须通过填写“学生无障碍服务”表格,向学生无障碍服务办公室进行自我确认 Student Identification Packet. It is the responsibility of the student to request accommodations.
  • 提交要求提供便利的残疾的最新文件. 当前文档定义为最近3-5年内编写的文档. If you do not have current documentation, 请提供您所拥有的,协调员将根据需要通知您下一步的步骤.
  • Once documentation is received 和 reviewed, the coordinator will email the student, 用他们的Cougarmail电子邮件通知他们下一步的行动,包括见面的请求. This meeting is required for accommodations 和/or services to begin.
  • Schedule an appointment with the Coordinator of Student 可访问性 服务.
  • The student will meet with the Coordinator of Student 可访问性 服务. 这次会议是一个互动的过程,对作出决定非常有帮助. During this meeting the Coordinator 和 student will:
    • Discuss functional limitations 和 symptoms.
    • Discuss academic services 和/or accommodations for which you are eligible.
    • Complete 和 sign the Accommodation Letter; 和
    • 讨论学生无障碍服务和/或学术援助中心的程序和学生的责任.



Once you complete the initial identification process, 学生有责任每学期通过填写学生时间表申请表(链接)通知学生无障碍服务办公室。. Accommodation plans are emailed to faculty, 根据学生的要求和/或需要,指导老师和考试监考人员可以提供便利, plans are not active until student 和 their instructor(s) have signed them. It is best to complete this document as soon as the student registers for classes.

Medical Documentation Requirements


  • Diagnosis from an appropriate licensed professional (with signature)
  • 诊断书用带有推荐正规买球平台的官方信笺(而不是在处方便笺簿上)
  • Information must be current (within 3 years) 和 include: diagnosis 和 symptoms, recommendation for academic accommodations, 还有一份目前所有处方药物的清单以及不按处方服用的副作用

If you have additional documentation, 请随时提交你所拥有的供学生无障碍服务协调员审查.


  • 添加/多动症
    • Diagnosis from a licensed professional (physician, licensed 心理学家, 注册咨询师, 神经生理学, or mental health professional)
    • Professional recommendation for accommodation
    • 如果不按规定服用,目前的药物和副作用的专业清单
  • Emotional (Psychiatric)
    • Diagnosis from a licensed clinical 心理学家s, 精神科医生, 精神科高级执业注册护士(APRN)持牌临床社会工作者, or other relevantly trained medical doctors
    • Professional recommendation for accommodation
    • 如果不按规定服用,目前的药物和副作用的专业清单
  • 听力障碍
    • Diagnosis of impairment from a licensed audiologist
    • 评估应包括学术环境中可能妨碍学习的功能限制
    • Professional recommendation for accommodation
  • 学习障碍
    • Diagnosis from a learning disability specialist or a licensed 心理学家: clinical, 教育, 学校, 或神经心理学家
    • 评估必须包括能力测试、成就测试或信息处理分析
    • Professional recommendation for accommodation
    • 如果不按规定服用,目前的药物和副作用的专业清单
  • 精神障碍
    • Diagnosis 和 clear identification of symptoms by developmental pediatrician, 神经学家, 精神病学家, 心理学家, 神经心理学家, 等.
    • 最近的心理或神经心理学检查,详细说明个人当前的认知功能,因为它影响了教育环境
    • Professional recommendation for accommodation
    • 如果不按规定服用,目前的药物和副作用的专业清单
  • Orthopedic Impairment (Physical disability not clearly visible)
    • 持牌/合格专业人士的证明文件,如医生或持牌物理治疗师
    • Professional recommendation for accommodation
    • 如果不按规定服用,目前的药物和副作用的专业清单
  • Visual Impairment (Blind or Low Vision)
    • Documentation from an optometrist or ophthalmologist
    • 评估应包括学术环境中可能妨碍学习的功能限制
    • Professional recommendation for accommodation


If you are expecting to have a surgical procedure, 请与你的老师沟通,这样你们双方都可以确定如何积极主动地避免错过作业或落后于材料.

遵循学生无障碍服务办公室的标准入学流程,完成必要的文书工作(入学包). Students will still need to provide medical documentation which includes diagnosis, expected duration of condition, 治疗, 和局限性.

Scheduling an Appointment

Please call (919) 718-7414 or email to schedule an appointment with the coordinator.

学生无障碍服务办公室位于霍克蒂大厅的Lee Main校区. Students will check-in in the lobby 和 the coordinator will be notified. To provide services to Harnett County 和 Chatham County, 在可能的情况下,协调员在利灵顿主校区和匹兹堡主校区安排常规办公时间,或通过虚拟预约.



  • Consultation for reasonable accommodations
  • 为使用轮椅的学生调整教室,配备可调节高度的桌子或其他适当的设备
  • Testing accommodations such as extending time on tests, distraction-reduced environment, 和, alternative formats to meet specific needs
  • Providing for the use of assistive technology such as read aloud, 文本放大机, or dictation software
  • Providing for the use of auxiliary aids such as sign langu年龄 interpreters, or books in alternative format
  • Permission to type essays or writing assignments

Non-Discrimination Statement

Central Carolina Community College will provide "appropriate academic accommodations.“如果学院可以的话, 它将为学生提供与所要求的同样有效且更便宜的辅助援助或住宿. 学院不需要提供更昂贵的辅助援助或住宿.

相应的, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院(推荐正规买球平台)的政策是营造一个校园环境,使个人能够提出非法歧视的主张,而不必担心遭到报复.

非法歧视的定义是任何基于种族而干扰或拒绝一个人的就业或参与推荐正规买球平台的任何教育项目/活动的行为或决定, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 年龄, sex 和 sexual orientation, 性别, 家庭地位, 残疾状态, 资深地位, or any health or genetic information.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院支持根据所有适用的联邦法律对其社区成员提供的保护, including Title VI 和 VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 和 1991, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 799A 和 845 of the Public Health Service Act, the Equal Pay 和 Age Discrimination Acts, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities ACT of 1990, 和 Executive Order 11375.

请遵循住宿申诉表(链接)上列出的申诉程序说明。. Notification in writing should be filed by the complainant by completing the Accommodations Appeals Form.